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524 resources found
Benchmarking Projective Simulation in Navigation Problems
Projective simulation is a model for intelligent agents with a deliberation capacity that is based on episodic memory. The model has been show...
Beyond Buddhism and animism: A psychometric test of the structure of Burmese Theravada Buddhism
Anthropologists and religious scholars have long debated the relationship between doctrinal Theravada Buddhism, so-called ‘animism’, and other...
Bias and tracking accuracy in voting projections using the New Zealand attitudes and values study
We introduce a method for assessing the overall level of bias and relative tracking accuracy in time series analysis of polling data on voter ...
Bioelectric gene and reaction networks: computational modelling of genetic, biochemical and bioelectrical dynamics in pattern regulation
Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) describe interactions between gene products and transcription factors that control gene expression. In combina...
Bioelectric signaling in regeneration: Mechanisms of ionic controls of growth and form
The ability to control pattern formation is critical for the both the embryonic development of complex structures as well as for the regenerat...
Bioelectrical control of positional information in development and regeneration: A review of conceptual and computational advances
Positional information describes pre-patterns of morphogenetic substances that alter spatio-temporal gene expression to instruct development o...
Bioelectrical coupling in multicellular domains regulated by gap junctions: A conceptual approach
We review the basic concepts involved in bioelectrically-coupled multicellular domains, focusing on the role of membrane potentials (Vmem). In...
Bioelectrical Coupling of Single-Cell States in Multicellular Systems
The spatiotemporal distributions of signaling ions and molecules that modulate biochemical pathways in nonexcitable cells are influenced by mu...
Bioelectrical State of Bacteria Is Linked to Growth Dynamics and Response to Neurotransmitters: Perspectives for the Investigation of the Microbiota–Brain Axis
Inter-cellular communication is mediated by a sum of biochemical, biophysical, and bioelectrical signals. This might occur not only between ce...
Bioengineering horizon scan 2020
Horizon scanning is intended to identify the opportunities and threats associated with technological, regulatory and social change. In 2017 so...
Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
Intelligence is a central feature of human beings’ primary and interpersonal experience. Understanding how intelligence originated and scaled ...
Bistability of prefrontal states gates access to consciousness
Access of sensory information to consciousness has been linked to the ignition of content-specific representations in association cortices. Ho...
Bistability of somatic pattern memories: stochastic outcomes in bioelectric circuits underlying regeneration
Nervous systems' computational abilities are an evolutionary innovation, specializing and speed-optimizing ancient biophysical dynamics. Bioel...
Black-boxing and cause-effect power
Reductionism assumes that causation in the physical world occurs at the micro level, excluding the emergence of macro-level causation. We chal...
Both Random and Guided
Abstract This paper argues, first, that biological evolution can be both random and divinely guided at the same time. Next it discusses the id...
Brazil's football warriors: Social bonding and inter-group violence
Football-related violence (hooliganism) is a global problem. Previous work has proposed that hooliganism is an expression of social maladjustm...
Bumblebees retrieve only the ordinal ranking of foraging options when comparing memories obtained in distinct settings
Are animals' preferences determined by absolute memories for options (e.g. reward sizes) or by their remembered ranking (better/worse)? The on...
Can a robot be a scientist? Developing students’ epistemic insight through a lesson exploring the role of human creativity in astronomy
Abstract Artificial intelligence is transforming the practice of science worldwide. Breakthroughs in machine learning are enabling, for exampl...
Can honest signaling theory clarify religion’s role in the evolution of social inequality?
Vivid coloration, pungent odors, strident alarms, and crippling stings have co-evolved in many lineages as mechanisms that conspicuous...
Can moral case deliberation in research groups help to navigate research integrity dilemmas? A pilot study
There is an increased focus on fostering integrity in research by through creating an open culture where research integrity dilemmas can be di...