Laws hero
Impact in the Bahamas

The Bahamas Laws of Life Essay Competition

“Progress depends on diligence and perseverance.” –Sir John Templeton, Worldwide Laws of Life

Since 1987, students in communities around the globe have competed for prizes in essay contests based on Sir John Templeton’s writings.

In 2009, students in The Bahamas gained a contest of their own, sponsored by The Bahamas Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training and the Nassau-based Templeton World Charity Foundation.

The Bahamas Laws of Life Essay Competition is an annual contest open to students in The Bahamas.

Each year, young people are invited to reflect and write on values inspired by Sir John Templeton’s Laws of Life. Students in Grades 5 -12, as well as local college-level students up to age 25, are encouraged to participate. To date, over 12,000 students in The Bahamas have written and submitted essays in the competition.

Prizes and scholarships totaling over $1.4 million dollars have been distributed. The competition is viewed as the most prestigious essay competition in the country.

Wws laws
What we seek to accomplish
Offer young people an opportunity to reflect and write about their beliefs and principles.

Publicly recognize young people for affirming the values by which they want to live.

Acknowledge the vital role teachers and schools play in their students’ success.

Ministry of Education

Thank you to our partner in the competition: The Bahamas Ministry of Education and Technical And Vocational Training

In 2008, the late Dr. John M. Templeton Jr. discussed his father Sir John Templeton’s writings on the Laws of Life with former Minister of Education, Hon. Carl Bethel. This led to the launch of the annually anticipated Laws of Life Essay Competition now noted as the country’s premier essay competition in public and independent schools across The Bahamas.