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Found 33 results for "scholarship"
The Sir John Templeton Memorial Scholarship will expand support for post-graduate degrees beyond business and theology studies to include a wide range of post graduate degrees to now also support: philosophy, mathematics, pure and applied science, and the humanities.
With the commitment of more than 50 US colleges and the approval of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, HELIOS represents the most promising attempt to align higher education practices with open research values.
This funding enables the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) to maximize the utility of sector-specific communities, identify productive areas for collaboration, and serve as drivers of this crucial next phase.
The Europaeum is a program supported by Templeton World Charity Foundation, building a morally-aware cadre of talented young people who've developed leadership qualities, learned how to work collaboratively & are committed to shaping the future of Europe for the better.
Using the Registered Report publishing model, The Center for Open Science will fund robust consciousness scholarship.
Scholarship addressing academic misconduct has started to examine the relationship between academic misconduct and student virtues such as sel...