GC Awebinar1
Dec 12, 2021

Grand Challenges for Human Flourishing Awardees Webinar Series

Panel discusssions with Templeton World Charity Foundation's recent Grand Challenges for Human Flourishing grantees

By Templeton Staff

Templeton World Charity Foundation’s Grand Challenges for Human Flourishing request for ideas was launched to support a robust pipeline of projects aimed at improving key aspects of human flourishing. 

In this series of themed conversations moderated by TWCF advisors, the Grand Challenges awardees offer insight into their current and future research into flourishing, and field related questions from audience members. 

Global Voices in Human Flourishing: Beyond Western-centric Research

Panelists share their approach for integrating diverse perspectives and voices into their work on Human Flourishing. Ellen Morgan, Principal Advisor for TWCF’s Global Innovations for Character Development, moderates a conversation including grantees Toni Antonucci, University of Michigan and Pamela Wadende, Kisii University; Blaine Fowers, University of Miami; and Carol Henry, University of Saskatchewan and Melani O’Leary, World Vision Canada.

Click here for key points from the webinar and to learn more about the featured awardees.

Learning & Listening, Changing Mindsets and Emotional Responses to Promote Human Flourishing 

How do the complexities of our social interactions and the stories we tell ourselves and each other interfere with or enhance our capacity to flourish? Panelists discuss psychological barriers to human flourishing and applying research on listening to potentially surmount them. This panel features awardees Brie Linkenhoker, Worldview Studio; Netta Weinstein, University of Reading and Guy Itzchakov, University of Haifa; and Jordan Mansell, University of Western Ontario in a conversation moderated by Dawid Potgieter, Director, Programs in Discovery Science, TWCF.

Click here for key points from the webinar and to learn more about the featured awardees.

Human Flourishing and Adversity 

In this video, the panel considers how the science of human flourishing can move beyond conventional notions of trauma, and what can be done to more broadly explore the relationship between adversity and flourishing. Bonnie Poon Zahl, TWCF’s Principal Advisor for the Big Questions in Classrooms, moderates the discussion with awardees Shigehiro Oishi, University of Virginia; Deborah Carr, Boston University; and David Addiss, Focus Area for Compassion and Ethics, The Task Force for Global Health. 

Click here for key points from the webinar and to learn more about the featured awardees.

Community Level Truth-Seeking to Promote Human Flourishing

Featured in this conversation are awardees Michael Muthukrishna, London School of Economics; Joceyln Dautel, Queens University, Belfast; and Jing Xu, University of Washington. They discuss the role of community-level truth-seeking in societies, and explore how different cultures and disciplines have evolved in their approach to truth-seeking over time. Moderated by Dawid Potgieter, Director, Programs in Discovery Science, TWCF.

Click here for key points from the webinar and to learn more about the featured awardees.