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Found 150 results for "spiritual"
This transition to scale project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the 2-hour REACH Forgiveness workbook at promoting forgiveness in 6 diverse cultural & geographic contexts worldwide.
The Global Flourishing Study (GFS) is a collaboration between scholars at Harvard University and Baylor University to collect data on human flourishing from an international panel of individuals over the course of five years.
This randomized controlled study will measure the effectiveness of a character-based coaching intervention on ASHAs, rural India’s frontline mental health care providers.
Coventry University’s Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations will study the effects on health and well-being of an eight-week intervention based on Christian and Muslim spiritual practices.
Studying the paradoxical nature of hunger vs religious fasting in Latter Day Saints, Muslims in Muslim-majority countries and Jewish populations in Israel.
A mix of field and lab studies will be used to empirically investigate the relationship between mass singing as practiced at Koolulam events and flourishing.