The Brain and the Personal Self. Can Advances in Neuroscience Enlighten the Notion of Person?
TWCF Number
Project Duration
March 1 / 2016
- February 28 / 2019
Core Funding Area
Big Questions
South America
Amount Awarded
Grant DOI*

* A Grant DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique, open, global, persistent and machine-actionable identifier for a grant.

Claudia Estela Vanney
Institution Universidad Austral

This three-year project seeks to promote a meaningful interdisciplinary dialogue in Argentinian academia. It includes the developing of science-engaged philosophy and theology research, as well as different activities that aim to improve the conceptual rigor among scientists and increase empirical sophistication among philosophers and theologians.

The overall goal of the project is to foster positive, constructive, and productive engagement between neuroscientists, philosophers, and theologians in the Argentinian context. We plan to produce journal publications and a range of communications in local Argentine and international meetings. The project includes an Interdisciplinary Monthly Seminar and two Interdisciplinary Research Weeks, where scientists will engage in discussions with philosophers and theologians in an open dialogue. We also plan to disseminate the interdisciplinary discussions through lectures for scholars, as well as across a broad audience through a website, a popular science book, and videos. Throughout this project, we expect to produce a significant impact among scholars and in society, promoting cross-disciplinary understanding in Argentina’s academia and the creation of a network of scholars engaged in advanced interdisciplinary research.

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