Jun 30, 2022

Monthly Media Highlights - June 2022

The top 3 recent stories featuring Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) in the news

By Templeton Staff

1. Chimps use VR to Hunt for Fruit

Science Advances - Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) navigate to find hidden fruit in a virtual environment, abstract about this research funded by Templeton World Charity Foundation.

     Read the articles:

     Metaverse Post - Researchers use VR to study how chimps hunt for fruit

     The Mirage - Chimpanzees master VR to find hidden fruit,

     Newsweek - Chimpanzees Turn Ace Hunters in Virtual Reality Video Game Study

2. TWCF Grantee TEDx talk

TEDxSydney - How ‘heretical’ science revealed the intelligence of Nature | Monica Gagliano

Monica Gagliano, TWCF Diverse Intelligences grantee, recently gave a TEDx talk about facing criticism for her research that pushes the boundaries of 'accepted science.'

3. TWCF's Diverse Intelligences in The New Yorker

The New Yorker - How I Started to See Trees as Smart By Matthew Hutson, Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute alumni.

“The idea of intelligence without a brain can sound mystical or speculative, but the initiative has attracted quite a lot of human intelligence, so I was intrigued. I applied to attend an online gathering of the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute, which brings together scientists, philosophers, and artists interested in all forms of cognition.”