Jul 31, 2022

Monthly Media Highlights - July 2022

Three recent stories featuring Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) in the news

By Templeton Staff

1. The Mysterious Life of the Octopus

A recent article from BBC Future features Templeton World Charity Foundation grantee, Marta Halina.

"It's valuable to consider what it's like to be an octopus because that can lead us to re-evaluate what it's like to be a human," says Halina. "And maybe reflecting on how little we know about what it's like to be a human can lead us to be more open about what it's like to be an octopus."

2. Reading Literary Fiction is Associated with a "More Complex Worldview"

Literary Hub makes note of a paper recently co-authored by one of Templeton World Charity Foundation's Grand Challenges for Human Flourishing awardees, Shigehiro Oishi

Scholars Nicholas Buttrick, Erin C. Westgate, and Shigehiro Oishi share their findings that reading literary fiction early in life “is associated with a more complex worldview in Americans” — defining a complex worldview as being characterized by “increased attributional complexity, increased psychological richness, decreased belief that contemporary inequalities are legitimate, and decreased belief that people are essentially only one way.”

3. Biomedical Engineering - Regenerative Medicine

From Biotech Week - Powered by Dow Jones - Researchers detail new data in Biomedical Engineering - Regenerative Medicine.

According to news reporting originating in Medford, Massachusetts by NewsRx editors, the research from Michael Levin's team at Tufts University stated, "Central to the study of cognition is being able to specify the Subject that is making decisions and owning memories and preferences. However, all real cognitive agents are made of parts (such as brains made of cells)." Funders for this research include Barton Family Foundation, Elisabeth Giauque Trust, and Templeton World Charity Foundation.