Displacement20 Colombia
Jun 7, 2023

Faith and Displacement in Colombia with Dr. Christopher Hays (podcast)

An established network of churches in Colombia is working to help people who've been made refugees within their own national borders.

By Templeton Staff

The the crisis of forced internal displacement in Colombia — where over 7,400,000 people have made refugees within their own national borders — has led to extreme poverty, families being broken apart, and significant psychological trauma. Dr. Christopher Hays brings his background as a theologian and scholar with a focus on Latin America to The Faith and Displacement project, a program that's working with an established network of churches in Colombia to help people who've been affected by this crisis. Through a holistic approach, the project aims to empower churches and religious communities to engage with displaced individuals and provide support beyond spiritual salvation.

For this Stories of Impact podcast episode, Richard Sergay and Dr. Hays discuss a little about the history and context of the volatile political situation in Colombia, and talk about the project's approach, challenges and impact.

Listen to the episode with the above player.

Learn about the research project featured in this episode.

Read the transcript from the interview conducted by journalist Richard Sergay, presented by podcast producer, host, and writer, Tavia Gilbert. 

Built upon the award-winning video series of the same name, Templeton World Charity Foundation’s “Stories of Impact” podcast features stories of new scientific research on human flourishing that translate discoveries into practical tools. Bringing a mix of curiosity, compassion, and creativity, journalist Richard Sergay and producer Tavia Gilbert shine a spotlight on the human impact at the heart of cutting-edge social and scientific research projects supported by TWCF.