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Developing The Consciousness Theories Studies (ConTraSt) Community Hub

Liad Mudrik from the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University has created ConTraSt, an interactive open-access website that aims to...

Rationality and Reason beyond the Individual

Intelligent agents are prone to irrational action. Biases and decoys have been shown to mislead all sorts of organisms, from the simplest...

Exploring the Power of Immersion and Emotion for Intervention Design

This intervention program synthesizes research on prejudice reduction, experiential design, and affective science into diversity interventions...

Enabling Research Rigor and Transparency, Fostering Researcher Intellectual Humility

With this project, The Center for Open Science (COS) aims to more fully embody its mission to promote openness, integrity, and reproducibility of...

Collective rationality in a virtual forest: What processes underlie optimal foraging in fission-fusion societies?

New research hypothesizes that the decision to cooperate or to compete is arrived at similarly in humans and chimpanzees and can be replicated by...

A novel perspective on animal culture: How ant colonies accumulate complex solutions in a fluctuating environment

Ants exhibit measurable decision-making both at the individual and group level, particularly as they solve novel problems. This study aims to...

Fostering Open Science Communities

With a series of webinars, workshops, access to its resource library, and by building a community of open science champions, the Berkeley...

Identifying the neural mechanisms of loss of consciousness during sleep using intracranial recordings in humans

Data collected during a series of sleep recordings and serial awakenings of epileptic volunteer test subjects will be analyzed to compare brainwave...

Can consciousness be separated from function in the brain?

Does consciousness rely on the same neural mechanisms as those we use for thinking — attention, language, and working memory? This question has...